The “Perfect” New Year’s Resolution
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The “Perfect” New Year’s Resolution

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

It’s a brand new year, but I’m not thinking about bold new changes in my life – like going on a great new health kick, or starting those singing or ballet lessons I’ve always wanted. Nope. I’m thinking about the simple things a mother yearns for as we realize we’ve become second, and even third fiddle in our own list of priorities.

Along with many moms I know, I wish upon a star that My New Year brings:

Expanded horizons

The bathroom will no longer be my only safe haven of retreat for a little solitude. I will make space and time for me.

A hot cup of quiet.

At least three quiet mornings a week with time enough to actually put on my makeup at home (vs. in the car) and enjoy just one cup of coffee before it gets cold.

Toys the whole family can enjoy.

My kids will no longer use their boogers as finger puppets. We will play as a family with toys that are enjoyed by all (my furniture included)

Beauty rest, yes!

At least one morning a week I will wake up feeling like Sleeping Beauty, having slept past 7 a.m. and being awakened by a kiss from my prince (vs. a football tackle from my little powerhouse angels).

The real deal.

I will have real massages instead of my current “spa” deal: the pitter-patter of helicopter farts as my toddlers roll around on my back.

More va in my voom.

Dressing up will go beyond super hero and princess costumes with my kids. Every woman should have a dress that makes her feel like a princess and it shouldn’t be a polyester replica of Snow White’s gown that makes you sweat, I mean glow, profusely.

A guilt-free me.

I will accept myself for who I am. I will no longer feel guilty about falling asleep at 8 p.m. on date night, not being a perfect mom, feeling like a failure at work and as a friend. I will accept that I cannot do it all.

Love and laughter.

Our time is limited, so I will enjoy every moment I can. At least once a day I will sing or dance with my children. I will remember to be grateful for everything, even booger puppets and polyester.

Wishing you the happiest of New Years! And Remember, perfection is overrated.

Princess Ivana

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