The petite country of Wales rests along the northern coast of Great Britain and is home to beautiful landscapes and some intriguing baby-girl name choices. If you are seeking a name for your new daughter that is a bit different from those that commonly fill classroom rosters, consider a Welsh option. Whether you and your partner once shared a vacation to Wales, you have Welsh blood pumping through your veins or you just want something outside the norm, a Welsh name is a wise choice.
If your favorite time of year is winter, Aneria may be the Welsh name for you. This lilting name comes from a Welsh word meaning “snow,” making it a perfect choice for your new snow angel.
The name Eilir comes from a Welsh word meaning “butterfly.” If you hope to witness your darling daughter blossom like one of these beautiful creatures, this name can represent that desire.
Parents who value artistic creation may appreciate the Welsh name Awen. By selecting this name, you can reflect the fact that your child inspires you, as it means “muse.”
Few things in nature are as beautiful and fleeting as the object from which the name Enfys is derived, the rainbow. If you feel that your new daughter is a stunning addition to the world, selecting this name is appropriate.
If the summer weather warms your heart, consider the Welsh name Hafina. This name is a derivative of a word meaning, “summer,” making it the ideal selection for your sunny addition.
If your response to learning that you were pregnant was, like many moms-to-be, an enthusiastic one, Reese may be the perfect Welsh baby name for you. This name means “enthusiasm,” making it reflective both of the excitement you felt upon discovering you were pregnant and the bright outlook that you hope for your child.
Many couples enjoy spending time out under the stars. If this is true of you and your partner, Seren is an appropriate name for your offspring. This name comes from a Welsh word meaning “star.”
When you first look upon the face of your new addition, you will likely feel that a baby has never been more beautiful. Reflect the beauty of your new baby in your name selecting by picking Tegan. This name is a derivative of a Welsh word that means “beautiful.”