Flashback! Geena Davis gets back in her Rockford Peaches uniform more than 20 years after A League of Their Own and I just shouted “there’s no crying in baseball” at my confused co-workers. (Us Weekly)
Britney Spears made an interesting fashion decision while getting ready for church on Sunday morning. (TooFab)
Even celebrities have to deal with awful Hollywood bouncers, as Rebel Wilson reminds us by sharing the story of the time she couldn’t get in to her Pitch Perfect co-star’s birthday party. (Cosmo)
Yoga Jones was the voice of Patty Mayonnaise and other surprising facts about Orange Is the New Black – just in case you spent last Saturday watching the entire season in your sweatpants and now you’re obsessed. Oh just me? Ok. (BuzzFeed)
This list of “Hollywood’s Sexiest Shirtless Men” includes Justin Bieber so I guess they actually meant to title it “Hollywood’s Brattiest Shirtless Teenagers” (ET Online)
Nina Dobrev and Mark Salling are obviously dating because they went out for a pasta dinner, and as we learned from Lady and the Tramp, eating spaghetti together can only mean one thing. (Celeb Dirty Laundry)
Tara Reid makes life harder for smart blondes everywhere, explains how whales and sharks have sex to make whale sharks. Spoiler alert: Nope. That’s not right at all. (The Superficial)