Feeling that you have a greater purpose in life goes a long way in creating a happy life.
I believe one purpose in life that we can all hold onto is
Making a Difference
The number of ways in which one can make a difference are far too many to count, or list for that matter, which means there is something everyone can do! Finding ways that you can make a difference and acting on them creates an abundance of happiness. The great thing about making a difference is that you can uniquely tailor it to align with your own personal values, or things that are particularly dear to you.
Making a difference is something that I am consciously aware of, but that is not enough. Often I think of numerous ways and ideas of how I can make a difference. Coming up with ideas I consider one of my strengths. Where I need work is acting on them. Like they say ‘Talk is cheap!’ It takes more than a thought to make a difference. It takes action!
It is the beginning of a new week, a fresh start. What better time than now to hold myself accountable to making a difference this week than right here on this blog?!
I have been thinking about one way that I would like to make a difference this week and something came to mind. One thing I appreciate tremendously is having clean water. Being able to have clean water to drink and use, for my family and my children, means the world to me. Having clean water should be a human right! No child or person’s health and life should be at risk because they don’t have something as simple as access to clean water. Not having clean water can cause so many horrible problems.
Constantly I use water throughout the day to drink, to wash my hands, to bath, to clean my dishes and clothes, to wash away that which I don’t want in my house. We are so fortunate to have clean water, and to have it in abundance. Everyone deserves to have that which so frequently we take for granted.
The mini-goal I am setting for myself this week in making a difference is to find a charity which helps provide clean water to those that are in need and make a donation. No parent should have to struggle with providing clean water for their children. No person should have to go without.
It is my greatest hope that making a difference will be a regular part of Give Love Create Happiness. If any of you are feeling inspired to join in, this week or any other week, please do!
My Question(s) of the day is-
Does anyone know of a charity that helps provide clean water (HELP!)?
What does it mean to you when you feel like you have made a difference in someone’s life?