“Grey’s Anatomy” creator Shonda Rhimes has adopted her second child – a little girl named Emerson Pearl.
“It’s exciting to be going through this for the second time,” she said. “The adoption process can be so stressful and confusing but I knew exactly what to expect this time around so that was a blessing.”
“I also found that I’m a much calmer mom to a newborn this time around as well. First time motherhood is so nerve-wracking – you feel like you have no idea what you are doing! This time, I’m just really enjoying every moment of this.”
Rhimes adopted her first child – daughter Harper – in 2002.
“Harper’s really enjoying being a big sister,” she said. “Adopting again was something I’d been wanting to do for a while and, even though I’ve been writing adoption into story lines on my shows, only a few people close to me knew about my plans.”
Emerson should have no problem settling into her sweet new digs – Rhimes shared photos of her “pretty in pink” nursery designed by Sandie Bailey and Delorse Bond of the design firm reVISIONs.
The room features crib bedding from Carousel Designs, which can be customized and previewed online before ordering. Rhimes said, “It was so fun to work with my decorators using Carousel Design’s Nursery Designer to choose my colors and pick my bedding! I’m not someone who can look at a fabric and make a decision so it was helpful to see the visual example of what I was getting.”
We also spotted Itzy Ritzy’s Wrap & Roll in the nursery, which is an infant carrier armpad AND tummy time may, labeled “Emerson” with Mabel’s Labels, as well as Shonda’s TRIBE diaper bag, filled with cute baby goodies.
(Photo credit: Spantman Photography)