Part of creating happiness for me is finding ways to liven things up. In many ways being a stay at home Mom is anything but boring. There is constant entertainment and A LOT of laughs. Something is always going on. Even still sometimes it IS boring.
Rearrange Furniture
I spend a lot of time at home looking at the same walls, so I’m always searching for ways to liven things up. Making changes here and there renews my love for my home, and freshens my spirit for what I do. For example I’m the type of person who loves to move around furniture, not because it is necessarily a better layout, more because it is different. The added bonus – it’s free!
Yesterday I re-arranged the kids’ playroom, and in doing so I re-organized all the toys. Hmm…Wonder how long that’s gonna last? 😛 I think I’m getting stronger with boot camp though because when Hubs came home he asked “How did you move that by yourself?” I am woman, hear me roar!
Add Plants
The weather has been nice lately (YES YES YES…jumping up and down!) Summer is finally here 😀 With that I would love our family to actually spend more time out on our deck. Do you find decks don’t get used as often as they should? Making the deck more beautiful makes it more appealing for me to go out there. This week I added a few new plants to liven things up.

This was a super inexpensive way to add beauty to my outdoor living space. With it being July already a lot of plants are on sale. These plants ranged in price from $0.94 to $1.94. It freshened things up for me and gave me new motivation to be out on the deck.
Now I am determined to give these plants the TLC they deserve…this is where I need improvement! I’m NOT a natural gardener, but more of a wanna-be with heart ♥ 😉 A dream of mine is to have a low maintenance farm of sorts with blue spruce Christmas trees and a pumpkin patch. Two things that bring me a lot of joy. My husband always makes fun of me and says “Why do you want that? You don’t like dirt or bugs.” It makes me laugh because it is true, but that doesn’t deter me though. Maybe it’s the thought of having a little red barn to store my pumpkins in I adore. Either way, it’s good for the soul to dream!
Both my plants and I could really use your help-Do you have any gardening tips you can share?
How about those aphids, how do you get rid of them?
How do you liven things up in your home?
Please share your thoughts in the comments.