They’re wise, witty and they almost always have great hair… let’s give it up for awesome TV moms!
From Mrs. Brady to Lorelai Gilmore, here are three television moms who really rock:
Carol Brady
Mrs. Brady was like the second mother we all wished we had. She gave the best advice and always was ready with a shoulder to cry on. Plus she was poised, polished and perfectly on time!
Full Name: Caroline “Carol” Ann Tyler Martin Brady (Tyler was her maiden name and Martin was her previous married name)
Occupation: Freelance writer
Hairstyle: A low maintenance shag with classy flipped ends.
Vehicle: Plymouth Satellite station wagon – perfect for chaffeuring six kids to school, sports and Boy Scouts!
Pet Peeve: Her friend Martha, who is always calling and never wants to get off the phone.
Sidekick: The ever-loyal housekeeper Alice.
Quote: “Why don’t you help Alice make some cookies?”
Roseanne Conner
Sarcastic and cynical, but at least Roseanne was always 100% real. The Connors might not be the Bradys, but there was a lot of love in that house. With a big heart and an even bigger laugh, Roseanne was the kind of mom who would tell you when your hair looked stupid but wouldn’t stand for anyone else to pick on you for the same thing!
Full name: Roseanne Harris-Conner
Occupation: Factory worker (Wellman Plastics), waitress (Rodbells Luncheonette) and later co-owner of The Lunch Box.
Best quote: “Oh, but honey, you just fixed dinner three years ago!”
Sidekick: her best friend and sister, Jackie.
Beverage of choice: Beer
Favorite kitchen appliance: The microwave.
Lorelai Gilmore
The fun and feisty single mom charmed us with her wit, her sparkle and her snappy wardrobe. From skipping out on stuffy dinners at her parents’ house to starting her own business, we love her quirky and determined approach to life.
Full name: Lorelai Victoria Gilmore (named after her paternal grandmother, Lorelai “Trix” Gilmore)
Occupation: Co-owner of the Dragonfly Inn.
Beverage of choice: Coffee! She’s a caffeine junkie.
Sidekick: Her best friend, Sookie St. James
Favorite food: Takeout (Chinese is always a winner) or diner food (although that might just be because of the cute guy behind the counter).
Fun fact: As a baby, she had an unsually large head. In fact, she claims her first sentence was “Big Head want dolly.”
What TV moms do you love? Let us know in the comments below!