Last Saturday, while Grandpa & Grandma/Traveling Pat were visiting we spent a day at the Spokane Fair in Washington. It was the perfect day for the fair. Sunny and cool. It’s really starting to feel like fall in this beautiful part of the world, that is until the end of this week when it is supposed to be 90 again?!
We started things out by taking Big Brother to the pumpkin carving contest. I have a little obsession with pumpkins. Soon my house will be covered in them, and it is never too early to start buying them. We already have 2, of course ;-).
Daddy helping Big Brother scoop out the seeds.
Despite my cringes and worry that my son might in fact carve his hand, he did a great job! Here is what the fabulous work of art looked like.
1st Prize, in my book!
We completely forgot to go back and pick up my son’s pumpkin before we left the fair. I was totally bummed about it. I’m pretty certain it would have had a first prize ribbon on it! Grandma guessed it would probably go to a child who doesn’t have a pumpkin, and Big Brother thought that was a pretty awesome idea.
After the pumpkin carving, we went and visited lots of animals. Too many to share them all here, but don’t worry I took 800 pictures of animals just to make sure my computer was completely jammed with them :). This is a picture of the hairiest rabbit I have ever seen.
There were so many adorable bunnies at the fair. And, also snake skins, because it wouldn’t be a fair without snake skins.
They had real snakes, too! I’m happy to report I do not have a picture of my children petting the snakes.
After seeing all the cute & very stinky animals it was time for a little more action.
PIG RACES of course!
I was rooting for number 7. I can’t remember his name. I just liked the number. And although he didn’t say so, I’m pretty sure my husband was cheering for Natalie Porkman.
As you can see my piggy was in first place. I should have put money on it! The piggies surprised me with their hurdle jumping capabilities. Pigs and hurdles, who knew?
The pig races made us hungry. While we scoped out the food tents Grandma and Little Sister watched the Hawaiian Hula dancers.
The wonderful smell of fair food definitely had me wondering if fried dough was Vegan? If you happen to know, please tell me because if it is… who cares about all that oil, I’m totally going to get it next time! I’m sure it would be much tastier than the bean & rice wrap I ended up with. Although, that wasn’t bad either.
Luckily Grandpa bought some cotton candy for all of us to share. Little Sister had her first ever bite of cotton candy. Her face was priceless. She HATED it! I know. I’m as shocked as you are.
After lunch we went on a few rides. Despite the fact that I took my kids on the tilt-a-world, and they cried and hung on for dear life, they didn’t puke. Thank goodness, or I’d feel like even worse of a Mom than I did for taking them on a ride they were nowhere near ready for at their age.
All in all, it was a gorgeous and fun day at the fair. Thank you Grandma & Grandpa for taking us! 🙂
On the way home the kids fell asleep in the car, which was a sign that I should absolutely stop to buy ingredients to make COOKIES!
There was a recipe I came across on the fantastic blog Oh She Glows by Angela Liddon. Ever since seeing the recipe I’ve been dying to try it out. Angela notes that this particular recipe for Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies is her favorite. Her blog is my #1 go-to site for Vegan recipes. You should really check it out! You can find the Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe here.
Angela’s recipe was an absolute success! I only wish I made more. Without a doubt, it is the best homemade Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie I’ve ever made.
Vegan or not,
don’t you want to try one of those?!
Have a beautiful day, friends! Thanks so much for coming by 🙂