Family. Beautiful Scenery. Wine. NO TECHNOLOGY! Did I mention the awesome garden?!
This past weekend our family took a trip to the Okanagan in beautiful British Columbia. I left my phone and computer behind and spent 3 ½ days with no technology. It was a glorious break. One that I highly recommend before summer is over.
Removing technology from your life for a few days creates space. Creating space to enjoy and feel gratitude for your life. Making room for new blessings to come in is essential to happiness.
The combination of raising children, writing, and photography are a dream job. One that I pour my whole heart into, give 100% of myself, and work very hard at creating. I truly love what I spend my time doing and feel extremely grateful. Nonetheless, space is an important necessity to slow down and enjoy the very precious and fragile gift of life we have all been given.
Life is ours to enjoy. It is ours to mold into our dreams, as well as find excitement in the element of surprise and change.
The long weekend of no technology has made me contemplate whether I want to spend every weekend technology free. I have not made any decisions as of yet. Right now I am in a state of asking and listening for the answers.
We are so much more than we realize. We are capable of more than we have ever dared to dream. No matter how much you love what you do, you need space for life to unfold in a glorious way so that you may take time to slow down and breathe in the miracle. Take time to feel gratitude and appreciate your life.
That is what a long weekend with no technology has taught me.
Have you ever taken a break from technology? If so, what did you learn? How did you feel?