One of my favorite things about this time of year is all the twinkling lights everywhere. I love going for drives in the dark and seeing how people express themselves with their outdoor holiday decor. From a simple and elegant wreath to a full out colorful yard display, it is all a lot of fun! It is one of those times I am reminded of how wonderful it is that people are unique.
Holiday night drives would be boring if everyone decorated the same way, as would life if we all had the same personality. It is a great time to celebrate our differences and enjoy them. Moving from the city to the country it has been easy to notice many differences in the overall way of life. The thing that is the same in both places is that most people are really good at heart.
I can’t help but wonder if we stick out a little bit like sore thumbs. In some ways we definitely do, but the blessing about aging and having more maturity is that you learn not to try and fit in; instead you enjoy being yourself despite of all your differences.
It is fun having friends and family that are different than you are. And when in doubt laughter goes a long way to connect those gaps. I feel fortunate that with this move I know that we don’t need to try and fit in. That we can be ourselves, as different as that might be, and enjoy some of the things that the change in lifestyle brings. One of my favorite things being less traffic!
What I have learned is that shaking things up in life can be a tremendous growth experience. You find things out about yourself that you didn’t know, and feel stronger about other areas you did. Sometimes in life we can feel stuck. I’ve been there but what has been proven to me time and again is when I open myself up to change and allow myself to try out different experiences, new happiness can be found. Happiness that makes fear or anxiety about change all worthwhile. Listen to your inner voice and shake things up in life when it is needed. Don’t let fear hold you back from living your dreams.
What I have also learned is that many of my dreams change over time too, and if I don’t let my life change to accommodate them that is when I get stuck. When you are stuck it is a lot harder to choose happiness. The energy is working against you. The ability to recognize those times can help you open up your mind and heart to new experiences.
It seems life comes in waves. There are times when you are thrilled to be riding the wave you are on and others when your heart is telling you to jump on a new wave. Follow your heart and don’t be afraid to jump. It is easier to let happiness in when you don’t fight your own energy.
Have you ever felt stuck? Have you ever felt like you were fighting your own happiness? Share your thoughts!