Is Frugal In?
Hi everyone,
This is my first blog post for and thought I would take this opportunity to introduce myself and share a little about what I do and how I do it.
My name is Katie Adauto. I am a (gulp) 40 year old stay-at-home mom of two teenagers. I have a 17 yo son and a almost 14 yo daughter. I have been blessed enough to stay home with them for the past 10 years. I homeschooled both of my children for 8 years, then my son hit high school and decided that he wanted to play sports, so is now at a private school. My daughter is enrolled in a charter school and she goes to class three days a week and is home with me two days. The chickens are slowly leaving the nest!
So, back to this frugal question? What do you think? I think frugal is always in, but you might be in a place in your life where it is in for you. Like when you a teenager and want all the latest fashions. Like when you are trying to keep up with the Jones and need the latest car, cell phone, kitchen appplicane, the list goes on and on. But there comes a time for most of us when realize that being frugal is not only practical but, dare I say it, kind of fun?
From as far back as I can remember I have watched my money. Not that I was imune to the Guess jeans and Reebok craze in high school! I lived with my grandma and learned to watch my pennies! I remember loving to ride my Big Wheel and I went through them like crazy. There were many a trip to Salvation Army where there always seemed to be another used Big Wheel to ride. I remember one time we went shopping for clothes and would you believe it, a dress of mine was on the rack! My grandma had donated it and never thought it would get put on a rack so quick!
Once I got married and had kids we moved to a city that was much smaller and were able to purchase a brand new house very cheap. Little did I know that today that smaller city now has over 100,000 people! I was still working part-time and trying to raise two young ones. I watched pennies as much as I could, but there was not a lot of “free” time to get myself really organized with a good savings plan. We still made many trips to Salvation Army, the best place for kids clothes since they out grow them so fast. But I just did not have the frugal bug back then.
Fast forward about 15 years… I found myself with a little more time on my hands and a few years of living frugal under my belt. I was constantly telling friends about the latest Free event in the community or the great deal and coupon at a store. I was encouraged to start to share these with others. So… was born. This site is all about sharing the great deals with my “friends”. Everyone should be able to get good deals without spending a lot of time doing it. (That is my job in finding them all for you) When you get a chance I would love for you to visit the site.
My goal of this blog is for all of us to get to know each other a little better. Not be ashamed to say you shop at thrift stores and use coupons 🙂
Frugal is in!
Tomorrow I will share how I make a little “Fun Money” in my life and how you can too.
Thanks for taking the time to get to know me.