If you are dealing with infertility when trying for a much-wanted baby, you are going to feel sad. The expectations you had for your life may never materialize in the way you envisioned. You probably feel a loss for the family you may never have. Sadness runs on a continuum, according to “Psychology Today,” ranging from situational sadness to profound depression.
Situational sadness occurs with certain triggers. Having your period can bring on a bout of sadness, as can attending baby showers or hearing about a friend getting pregnant. Hormone treatments can make you sad at times, too. Depression is more serious. You feel sad all the time when you are depressed. You may feel guilty for not being fertile. You may be irritable, have trouble sleeping or eating and find no pleasure in life.
What Not to Do
Depression is a physical as well as a mental disorder. You can make your condition worse by not eating right, by drinking too much caffeine (which can make you anxious) and by drinking alcohol (which can make you more depressed). You must try to get enough sleep, too.
Tell Your Doctor
If you are seeking treatment for your infertility, tell your doctor about your depression. Some infertility clinics have mental health professionals who you can consult. You can also speak to your doctor about changing your hormone treatments. Certain hormones could be affecting your mood, according to “Psychology Today.” Even if your fertility clinic does not have mental health practitioners on staff, the clinic may be able to recommend someone.
Top Priority
If you are depressed from infertility, you should make it a top priority to seek help from a psychiatrist, from a behavioral therapist or both. Behavioral therapy can teach you skills that help you deal with your feelings of helplessness.
Dr. Alice D. Domar of the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health told the Fertility Authority website that 34 percent of women who go through in vitro fertilization have depression and that 68 percent of women who have a failed IVF cycle suffer from depression. Domar says that women should seek treatment for this depression before they hit rock bottom. Besides seeking therapy, you can join a support group and talk to your friends. The good news, according to Domar, is that if you are depressed because of infertility, you probably won’t be depressed for the rest of your life. Depression caused by infertility is usually temporary.