Temporary Guardianship of Jackson's Kids Awarded To His Mother
Judge Mitchell Beckloff ruled Monday that Katherine Jackson, Michael’s mother, be granted temporary guardianship of Michael Jackson’s three children, Michael Jackson Jr., 12, Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, 11, and Prince Michael Jackson, 7.
According to Joe Jackson, the children are enjoying playing with other kids at their house since they were never really around kids before. “We’re going to take care of them and give them the education they’re supposed to have,” he said. “We can do that.”
Mrs. Jackson also petitioned to be administrator of her son’s estate. Although the filing did not estimate the late Michael Jackson’s estate.
Debbie Rowe, the mother of the older children, gave up parental rights in 2001, but an appeals court later ruled that her rights were improperly terminated. But at this time, there has been no indication that Rowe is trying to gain custody of the children.
The mother of Prince Michael was never publicly identified.
Autopsy results were inconclusive according to the Los Angeles County coroner’s office. Toxicology results will take four to six weeks but may shed some light on the cause of death.
I’m glad the children are with their grandma.