Holiday door decorations are a great way to get into the holiday spirit while limiting your decorating to a single space. If you decide to get competitive, you can have a contest among participants to see who can get the most creative or be the most original. This is a fun activity at school, in dorm rooms, at the work place or even in your own home.
One of the simplest ways to decorate your door is with wrapping paper. During the holiday season, wrapping paper is abundant, and themes range from traditional to modern, simple to funky. Use a roll of your favorite theme or your favorite character. Tape or tack one end of the roll to the top of the door on the left-hand side. Quickly decorate the entire door by covering it with wrapping paper, taping or tacking it around the bottom and top. The door becomes a true holiday gift when you add a bow. A wide roll of ribbon works best. Tack or tape each end of the ribbon on the top and bottom of the door, as well as the sides. A giant bow, attached at the intersection of the ribbon, finishes the look.
To get others involved in your door decorations, your door can present a small activity for passersby. Encourage imagination and inventive thinking by asking those who see your door to participate in the decorations. With a paper tree showcased on the door and a paper chain decorating the tree, students or fellow office workers can pass by your door, pick a piece of paper from an envelope and add their own Christmas wishes to the chain. If those adding to the door have a little more time, they can cut out snowflakes, write a letter to Santa or decorate an ornament to add to the decorations.
To really stand out among your competitors or neighbors, create a scene that literally does stand out from the door. A wreath is the simplest 3D item you can put on the door, and it can be covered in ornaments or have a reindeer peeking through the middle. Get creative with paper blocks. Tape them to the door to make an igloo or a chimney. Don’t forget to hang stockings and fill them with treats.
If you want your door to glow, invest in lights for the door. Craft, hardware and some retail stores sell battery-powered light sets. If you can’t find battery-powered lights, you may be able to plug in a set. Look for an outlet near the hinge side of the door. Tuck the cord under the door if it has some clearance and plug it in, leaving enough extra cord to open and close the door without problems. To showcase the lights and incorporate them into your display, cut out trees and other shapes for your decorations. Lights can poke through little holes throughout the shapes.