The best way to ensure you get holiday cards out on time is to put it on your priority list and START NOW! Here are some organizational tips to get you started NOW so you will have enough time to complete and mail out all of your holiday cards:
1. Update your list – ask people for updates now – tell them you are updating your records and want to make sure you have the right info.
2. Use labels instead of writing out every envelope. You can get seasonal icons to add to labels too! Another plus? Corrections are easy to make. Print out as soon as you are happy with your list – and label your envelopes now.
3. Order cards with your family signature on it already “The John Doe's” or with each name – then you can just pop into an envelope and mail. Or use photo cards this year – again, just pop into an envelope and mail – no need for a personal note! And remember, the photo doesn’t have to be seasonal either! You don't have to bring out those matching holiday sweaters for the picture — unless, of course, that's your thing!
4. Use any leftover cards from last year to send to the new people on your list – this way you are not sending the same card to someone who has already received it and you are not wasting any cards.
5. Buy your cards – if you didn’t take advantage of the end of season sales last year, buy cards now. Look online for deals and companies that can send you cards quickly and affordably. Once you get the cards, put them in your purse or bag. Use waiting time to write out personal notes, sign your cards, stamp the envelopes and label them (carpool lanes, doctor’s appointments, etc.).
6. OR…Don’t send Christmas cards at all – send New Year cards! Your card won’t be lost in the onslaught of cards and it will stand out to the recipient.