2 mins read

Quality versus Quantity

In most aspects of my life, I prefer Quality over Quantity.  It is far better to have a taste of something delicious, real, honest, loving—anything good really—than a handful of, well, crap!


When it comes to food, it is far more beneficial for your body and health to have small portions of real, and sometimes decadent, foods, than to have a bag full of sugar free or fat free versions of those foods you truly want.  For example, if you are craving chocolate, have a small square of real, dark chocolate.  It’s high in antioxidants, releases the feel good serotonins in the brain, and will be more satisfying than having processed, fat free, sugar free chocolate cookies.  This mentality will not only help you feel satisfied because you are having what you really crave, but it will also help you lose or maintain your weight because a small portion is enough.


The same principal applies to exercise.  Choose quality reps over quantity.  Don’t do a thousand crunches with poor form to get results.  Instead, do fifty, let’s say, with proper form.  Or you can do as many as you can while maintaining proper form.  Also, don’t over train your body.  Your muscles actually grow and become stronger when you are at rest.  When you are lifting weights, little fibers in your muscles tear, and when they are at rest the next day, they are actually rebuilding stronger. 


Quality versus Quantity can also apply to the people you have in your life.  My father has always said, “It is far better to be alone than in poor company.”  Instead of having a lot of acquaintances in your life–some of which may be negative–have a few really good friends whom you can trust and feel comfortable with.  By cleaning out the dead-weight in your life, you will actually feel lighter and happier, and that will prolong your life.


Try to apply these principals, even if you just start with one, and I guarantee you will feel healthier, happier, and in more control!

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