Preschoolers are full of creative energy. Father’s Day provides an opportunity for them to harness their energy and create a handmade gift for their dad. With a little guidance and a few simple supplies, your preschooler can create an expression of love to give to his dad on Father’s Day.
World’s Best Dad Placemat
One age-appropriate Father’s Day craft for preschoolers is a “World’s Best Dad” placement. Give your preschooler a piece of construction paper and markers, and encourage him to draw images that remind him of his dad on the paper. Provide your preschooler with the assistance he needs to write “World’s Best Dad” on his paper. You may have to write the words lightly in pencil and have him trace them with marker, spell the words out for him or write the phrase yourself.
Provide glue and other embellishments like stickers, glitter and foam or paper cutouts for your preschooler to decorate his paper. Once he’s finished decorating, cut out two equal sized pieces of contact paper. They should be slightly larger than the construction paper. Place the decorated piece of construction paper centered between the two pieces of contact paper to finish the placemat.
Dad’s Spare Change Holder
If you are interested in helping your preschooler create a practical Father’s Day gift, a spare change holder may fit the bill. Purchase or recycle a large glass ashtray, bowl or candle holder. You’ll also need paint brushes and non-toxic paint. Acrylic enamel paints work well for painting on glass. Put newspaper on your table to contain the mess, and place your glass piece on top of the newspaper. Pour a little paint into a small disposable cup, and add a brush to the cup. Make 1 cup for each color of paint you wish to use. The small cups will make managing the paint easier for your preschooler.
Put a smock or old shirt on your preschooler and encourage him to paint the piece as he’d like. If he wants to make the paint darker by adding additional coats of paint, he’ll need to wait between 20 minutes and one hour for each coat to dry. You’ll also want to be sure your project has enough time to dry completely before wrapping it and giving to Dad, so plan to do this project a few days before Father’s Day.
Tie Magnet
Neckties have long been associated with Father’s Day gift giving. Your preschooler can put her own spin on this traditional gift by creating a Father’s Day tie magnet. You can use a construction paper, foam or wood cutout in the shape of a necktie as the base.
Provide your preschooler with markers, glue and decorative items like Father’s Day-themed stickers, glitter, foam cutouts and any other embellishments you have handy. Place a strip of magnetic tape on the back of your preschooler’s decorated tie to transform it into a magnet.