Fundraising Ideas for Adopting Families
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Fundraising Ideas for Adopting Families

The cost of an adoption ranges from a few thousand dollars for a foster care adoption to $30,000 for a private adoption. The fees and other costs vary from one adoption to the next, but many families need assistance in covering those costs. Fundraising is a way to cover at least part of the fees associated with adoption.

Bottle Change Drive

Empty baby bottles serve as the collection containers for this fundraiser idea. Ask friends for old bottles they no longer use or buy a bulk package of bottles. Take the bottles to work, church, neighborhood gatherings and other events to ask for change donations to fill the baby bottle. You can also enlist the help of friends and family by asking them to take a bottle to fill. The change adds up quickly to get you closer to your fundraising goals.


A garage or bake sale is a classic fundraiser option that doesn’t require a lot of upfront cost for you. A garage sale gives you a chance to clean out your house while making a profit. Baked goods increase potential profits at the garage sale. Ask family and friends to donate baked goods to go toward your adoption fundraiser.

Fundraising companies offer a variety of commercial products you can sell to make money. Cookie dough, wrapping paper, gifts and candy are popular options for the sales programs. You only get a portion of the sales price as your profit.

Handmade Items

For those who are crafty or otherwise talented, handmade items are an option for earning money toward an adoption. Baby-related items, such as personalized bibs or knitted baby blankets, make the handmade item sales more relevant to the fundraiser’s purpose. Another option is to offer your talent for a fee. For example, if you sew well, advertise for seamstress services at a reasonable rate.


Raffles typically attract a lot of people who want a part of the action, especially if you have attractive prizes. Set your price for raffle tickets depending on the value of the prizes. Not all states allow raffles so check with your state’s gaming department to determine if this is an option.

Local Partnerships

Local businesses might be willing to help out with your adoption fundraising efforts. Businesses are often willing to donate items for a silent auction. Local restaurants might agree to donate a portion of their profits to your adoption fund on a certain day and time.

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