The Best Stay-at-Home Jobs for Moms
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The Best Stay-at-Home Jobs for Moms

If you have been itching for a career at-home or just want a few extra dollars each month to help cover expenses, an at-home job may be the thing for you. Although at-home jobs have their own set of challenges, such as the need to maintain self-discipline and work space, the benefits of staying in your slippers and setting your own hours may make an at-home job all worth it.

When One Is Not Enough

One of the biggest downsides of working outside the home is the high cost of child care. If you want to make an income and not worry about child care expenses, you may want to start your own child care business. While caring for your own child, with activities, snacks and education, you can provide these services to others. If you have friends or neighbors who are looking for affordable child care, offer your services. Before you open your day care center, you will need to look into your state’s licensing information. To run a legal home day care, follow your state laws carefully to keep yourself and the children safe. You can find these regulations on your state’s family, child or small business websites. Take CPR and emergency procedure classes to alleviate your clients’ concerns. You will also need to purchase liability insurance to cover any unforeseeable accidents. You will also need activities, toys, chairs, beds and other items for each child. Make sure your home is childproof. Although you will be giving up a certain privacy and one-on-one time with your child, you can make some extra money while watching your child and others’ children.

When You Have So Many Ideas

If you find knitting hats to be relaxing, or you just can’t stop imagining the possibilities of your sewing machine, a craft business may be your calling. You can sell your homemade products, from toys to clothes to decorations, at local craft shoes, small boutique shops, consignment stores and online arts and crafts outlets. Your biggest expense will be your supplies. This may be relatively painless if you already have a bin that is full of fabric or other accessories. Still, if you are launching a business, you may want to make a line of each product or match the items to the holidays or season, which may require more supplies. Check out websites and stores that sell similar products and make sure you can afford to buy the supplies and still make a profit. You will also need to pay for any insurance coverage of your business, business licenses, space at a craft store and marketing supplies.

When You’re Full Of Knowledge

Whether you studied Spanish or music in college or have gained a particular skill, you can offer your tutoring services to local families. Teach piano lessons at your home or your student’s home or help kids with homework at the local library. Your own expenses will include some paper, pencils and workbooks, depending on your expertise, as well as marketing materials.

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