We all need a little time out, and our kids are the same. What do you do when those out of control moments kick in? Send them to their rooms? Put them in their cribs? That might be the answer, but sometimes I worry that those “comfy” places will be associated with “bad moments” in their little minds.
A solution? Why not try a time out rug? It works on SuperNanny, so it is sure to be effective in my house, right? Time Out Spots are made of soft, plush-like fabric and are backed with a non-skid surface so that children cannot “scoot” across the room while in time-out.
Time Outs are never fun, and they can tear your heart out. A rug like this might make these “mommy moments” a little more bearable. Time Out Spots are machine washable.
$22 at www.pinktaffydesigns.com