We’re not afraid to say it—we love Halloween, and we especially love the new custom that’s spreading across the country: “Booing” your friends and neighbors.
What’s A Boo?
It’s the Halloween version of the May basket, when neighbors leave one another anonymous goody bags in celebration of the holiday. The receivers then secretly Boo other neighbors (but not the houses with the ghost on the door-they have already been hit). “I’d never heard of being Boo’d before a neighbor brought us into the loop last year,” says Charlene Prince Birkeland, who blogs at crazedparent.org. “Kids love the mystery of it.” Want to join in the excitement this year?
Pick a Poem
Get creative and pen your own verse, or choose one of these exclusive Hallmark poems that we unearthed from our archives. Then pick up some spooky paper and use your most frightening handwriting-in heavy black ink, of course! If you’re writing your own Boo, remember, not all poems rhyme, and as long as it comes from the heart, it’s a guaranteed winner!
Make the Mix
Everyone loves a good snack mix, and it couldn’t be easier to make! We made two: a spicy one for the grown-ups (it was a huge hit at parties and work), and a sweet, kid-friendly one. All you need to do is pick up the ingredients and toss them together. Parents, take note: If you’re going to Boo using a homemade mix or candy that isn’t individually wrapped, it might be a good idea to let the adults on the other end know, so that parents know their kids can dig in safely. Here are some ideas: Spicy snack mix:
Honey-toasted sunflower nuts,
Pretzel letters,
Rice-cracker sticks,
Wasabi peas.
Sweet snack mix:
Honey-toasted peanuts,
Chocolate-covered sunflower seeds,
Orange-colored malted milk balls,
Candy corn.
Bag it and Tag it
Express your Boo bag personality (but keep your identity a secret) by creating custom surprise elements. Have your kids design and color a small label that says “Terrifying Treats” or “Spooky Snacks. Tie the bags with festive ribbons or add Halloween ornaments for a creative touch. What you will need:
Cellophane bags,
Sweet or spicy snack mix (see above),
Fun colored ribbons,
Twist ties,
Address labels,