3 Reasons to Grow Your Family’s Ability to Hope
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3 Reasons to Grow Your Family’s Ability to Hope

This spring, I want to encourage you to grow your family’s ability to hope.

Hope is not just a not just a short-lived emotion, it is a long-term mindset.

Hope enables parents and teens to think and act differently. With hope, families can cultivate an action-focused mentality that promotes resilience in the face of difficulty.

When families regularly nurture hope, they are empowered to rise above any pressures or stressors.

But don’t just take my word for it, check out three reasons why your family should invest in hope.

  1. The Mental Power of Hope

Did you know that research shows hope can act as a shield against psychological distress?

When you have consistent hope, it operates as a self-regulating mechanism that can reduce the impact of stress and adversity. By doing this, hope can minimize the effect of major contributors to depression.

Studies also show through hope’s focus on what lies ahead, it enables families to develop healthy coping strategies.

Hope involves setting goals and believing in one’s ability to achieve them. When families create goals, especially during trying seasons, they start to see that their current situation isn’t permanent. They learn they have the ability to change their story.

Hopeful individuals are better equipped to navigate life’s challenges effectively and maintain a positive outlook, according to one study.

  1. Science Backs Hope

On top of this, multiple scientific studies back the impact of hope.

According to researchers, hope can regulate the connection between rumination and depression. For instance, individuals who have a lot of hope typically experience higher levels of positive mental health.

When families visualize a brighter future, they are more likely to endure current challenges successfully. Hope gives families a way to rise above the difficulties they face, embrace their potential, and approach life with optimism. As one researcher put it:

If I have the perspective that something better is possible in the future, then I can better endure my struggles today.

  1. Hope Overcomes Societal Pressures

These days, parents and teens can feel overwhelmed by anxieties in all areas of life.

A recent study found that 81% of teens feel negative pressure in at least one area of life! Youth are stressed by the need to make concrete future plans, succeed academically, maintain good appearances, play well on the field, have a thriving social life, and so much more.

And when teens are stressed, parents feel the weight of these burdens, too.

Pressures like these can lead to burnout, poor mental health, and despair. Families need tools to cope — hope is the key to navigating these numerous demands.

How to Grow Hope

So how can families grow hope then?

Adults play a pivotal role in leading the path towards hope. They can guide conversations that promote and foster hope for the whole family.

It’s important for families to have open-ended discussions that spur each other to reflect on future-oriented questions. When parents create a safe space for their kids to envision a healthier future, they help shift negative thought patterns.

Here’s a few ways to do this in your family:

  • Validate Struggles – Don’t downplay your family’s struggles, listen to your teens and emphasize with them.
  • Share Your Own Story – Parents, share about instances when you have overcome adversity through perseverance.
  • Focus on Affirmations – Affirm why you love your family and are proud of them. Then teach your teens to speak to themselves in a similar manner with positive self-talk.
  • Set Goals and Ambitions – Set aside time with your family to help individuals set realistic and purposeful goals that help put focus on the future.
  • Designate Space for Rest – Don’t forget to find time for recreation and rest. Set aside time for sleep, exercise, hobbies, and self-care.

Restoring your family’s ability to hope requires intentionality and patience. You have to reframe thoughts, build new habits, and cultivate your belief that you can make a change.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with despair and want a hand building hope, try using outside resources like life coaching.

Life coaching skills can empower families to manage emotions, overcome obstacles, and find self-motivation. (Check out my family life coaching course here for more information.)

Let’s commit to building hope this spring. Your family’s future is full of possibilities and opportunities to thrive.

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