Celebrities often choose creative and original names for their babies. As you continue to add more members to your family, consider taking a cue from your favorite celeb and giving your tot a name that he will share with no other children in his kindergarten class.
Off the Wall
Many celebrities abandon baby name books entirely when picking names for their tots and select options that are almost uncommon. One of the most well known examples of celebrity off-the-wall baby naming is Frank Zappa who named his three children Moon Unit, Dweelze and Diva Thin Muffin. Comic Penn Jillette of Penn and Teller fame also thought out of the box when naming his child Moxie Crimefighter. Kevin Smith movie alum Jason Lee also caused some waves when he picked Pilot Inspektor as a name for his baby boy. Actor Rob Morrow had some fun with his last name by naming his daughter Tu Morrow.
Earthy Names
Some celebrities use baby naming as an opportunity to get in touch with their natural side by selecting names that evoke the bounty of the planet. Actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Singer Chris Martin choose a back to the Earth name when they opted to name their child Apple. Actor Forest Whittaker named his son Ocean.
Old Classics
For some celebrities, the best name options seem to come from the past. Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck appear to be fans to classic names, as they named their first daughter Violet. In seeming incongruity with his off-the-wall Borat personality, Sasha Baron Cohn along with his partner actress Isla Fisher selected the simple name Olive for their daughter. Michelle Williams and the late Heath Ledger selected a more old-school name, calling their daughter Matilda.
Place Inspired Names
Some celebrities turn to the map instead of a name book. Victoria and David Beckham famously reported that they named their boys Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz after the places in which they were conceived. Rocker Bono called his child Memphis. And perhaps the most famous example of place baby naming belongs to the Hiltons who named their heiress and party girl daughter Paris, after the city of lights.