How to Know If You’re Having a Boy or Girl
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How to Know If You’re Having a Boy or Girl

In a 2007 Gallup Panel poll, when asked if they’d want to know the sex of their baby, 47 percent of Americans said they’d want to know if they were having a boy or a girl prior to their baby being born. If you’re in that 47 percent, you’ll be pleased to know that there are clinical tests that can be done to determine the sex of your baby prior to your baby’s arrival.

Step 1

Schedule an ultrasound. Ultrasound is the most common clinical test that is used to determine a baby’s gender. While most obstetrical care providers order at least one routine ultrasound during pregnancy, there are also keepsake ultrasound facilities that offer gender-determining ultrasounds to pregnant women. After week 20, most skilled technicians can determine the gender of a baby with more than 95 percent accuracy, however, if the baby isn’t in a good position, or if the ultrasound isn’t clear, an accurate gender determination may not be possible.

Step 2

Have an amniocentesis. While amniocentesis is usually reserved for pregnant woman who are at a high risk of having a baby with a genetic disease or birth defect, it can also be used to determine the sex of a baby. An amniocentesis is generally preformed between weeks 9 and 18 and the results are nearly 99 percent accurate.

Step 3

Request chorionic villus sampling. While the test is usually reserved for pregnant women who are at high risk for having a baby with a genetic or chromosomal defect, chorionic villus sampling can be used to determine a baby’s sex. Usually performed between 8 and 11 weeks, chorionic villus sampling is 99 percent accurate in determining the sex of a baby.


  • Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling both come with a risk of miscarriage. In addition, chorionic villus sampling can cause infection, premature labor and damage to the baby.
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