Acai Berry Weight Loss Pills
Although health fads may come and go over the years, some foods do contain helpful ingredients. Producers and manufacturers of weight loss products often include acai berries in diet formulas and proclaim the benefits of these tiny fruits. Proponents claim these berries help treat a wide variety of conditions, including mild to moderate obesity. With the limited number of controlled studies involving acai berries, proponents have little scientific evidence to support certain claims. However, this plant may contain nutrients helpful to your health, according to
Acai berries grow naturally in areas of South America. The berries grow in clusters and resemble the appearance of large grapes. Native cultures use this fruit as a dietary staple, as well as an ingredient in certain homeopathic remedies.
Weight Loss Factors
Acai berries contain a large amount of monounsaturated fats, also known as omega-9 or oleic acids. This type of fat provides a healthy alternative to saturated fats, but it also contains plenty of calories. Like other types of berries, the fruit of the acai plant contains fiber. advises that high fiber foods help with weight loss. The fiber in acai berry pills may help you feel full longer, decreasing the amount of calories you consume.
Nutritional Aspects
In addition to helpful fiber, these pills may contain other ingredients that help promote good health, regardless of their weight loss capabilities. Acai berries contain antioxidants, molecules that protect the cells from damage caused by free radicals. These berries also contain amino acids, building blocks of protein.
The price of Acai berry weight loss pills vary, depending on the manufacturer. A month’s supply of these pills often costs more than $50 in 2010, making affordability an issue for many dieters.
While Acai berry juices and weight loss pills may contain some beneficial ingredients, scientific studies do little to support the many claims of rapid weight loss. Although taking these pills may not harm your health, following a strict diet plan that relies on their use may affect your pocketbook. Discuss other options for weight loss, including diet plans, exercise and prescription weight-loss medications, with your family doctor.