Hair loss can be defeating. You notice bald spots in the mirror, and watch clumps fall down the drain in the shower. It’s not comforting to see your hair fall out and your bald spots grow. However, you can take comfort in the promises of rosemary essential oil. This sweet smelling, soothing essential oil may encourage hair growth and encourage your spirit in the midst of hair loss.
What It Can Do
Alopecia and other cases of hair loss can cause your hair to fall out, thin and not grow at all. This may cause embarrassment, frustration and other emotional and physical effects. If you are looking for a natural treatment, you can consider rosemary essential oil. The University of Maryland Medical Center mentions a study that shows that users of rosemary oil found their hair starting to grow again. A University of Louisville website about alopecia shares similar anecdotes about the use of rosemary. According to these sites, rosemary essential oil encourages the hair follicles to produce more hair.
How To Use It
To get the best results from rosemary essential oil, you should massage it gently and firmly into your scalp, focusing specifically on the balding spots. You may choose to massage before bed or in the morning, or both. It’s best not to shower immediately after the rosemary massage, as this might wash away the oil. If having the oil on your scalp bothers you, wrap your head in a scarf or cap while you let it soak, overnight or a few hours during the day.
Mix It Up
Choose some other oils to mix with the rosemary, to make it cheaper, easier and more pleasant to massage into your scalp. Jojoba or grapeseed oil makes a good base for the massage oil. Fill a small bottle with a few tablespoons of the base oils and drop in a few drops of rosemary oil. Shake it up before dripping it onto your scalp or fingertips.
Get Some Help
Stress relief is good for every ailment, including hair loss. Ask your partner to help with the massages by dropping the oil onto your scalp or into his fingers. Encourage him to vigorously, but gently, massage your scalp with the oil. If your partner is not available, use this time to relax by yourself, maybe draw yourself a bath or read a book, after massaging your scalp.
If you are taking a prescription or over-the-counter drugs for hair loss, talk to your doctor before starting this regimen. Don’t waste your time and money by mixing treatments. Also, because rosemary or other essential oils can be toxic if taken internally, keep it out of reach of your kids and pets.