Birthday Party Ideas for a 10-Year-Old Girl
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Birthday Party Ideas for a 10-Year-Old Girl

The key to a successful party for a 10-year-old girl is to make it as “grown-up” as possible. You can’t go wrong following the birthday party ideas for a 10-year-old girl below!

No matter if she still sleeps with the remnants of her favorite baby blanket or sits on her daddy’s lap for bedtime stories–when it comes to her first double-digit birthday, a 10-year-old girl wants a party that (to her) spells sophistication.

Birthday Party Ideas for a 10-Year-Old Girl

Crafty Girls
Various birthday party themes give girls the chance to make their own favors. At 10, most girls will be able to create various grown-up items. A family friend or neighbor who embroiders can be pressed into service to help girls monogram cloth tote bags. Girls can create friendship bracelets, necklaces or other jewelry items from a generous selection of beads. Decoupage is an art that is so easily learned that–in one afternoon–girls can complete small items, such as keepsake boxes or journal covers. You can check out more slumber party craft ideas here.

Movie Mania
A movie theme offers a great many birthday party possibilities. Going to the movies at the mall with her friends can be the perfect entertainment for a 10-year-old girl’s birthday party, providing an age-appropriate movie is playing. Another possibility is to ask girls ahead of time the names of their favorite movies and renting these. Then, at the party, each girl can play her favorite scene. Popcorn, candy bars and soda pop are the obvious refreshments.

Musical Picks

A variety of musical themes can engage 10-year-old girls for birthday party entertainment. At a ballet party, girls either attend a ballet performance or view a video of a professional ballet troupe; another possibility is to invite a local ballet teacher to visit and give a mini-lesson. For fans of popular or rock music, a rented karaoke machine and some costume items, such as hats, jewelry and sunglasses, give the girls a chance to ham it up.

Sports Fans
An athletically inclined girl, celebrating her birthday, might choose to take some friends to a game. For 10-year-olds, an outing to the local high school’s Friday night football game can provide as much fun as they would have at a professional sports event, especially when the girls are each given pocket money for the concession stand. The birthday girl might also like to host a party that features a participation sport, such as ice skating, bowling or swimming. Another option would be to buy the girls some pom-poms, and hire some high school cheerleaders for a short training session.

Fashion Plates
A variety of fashion-themed parties may appeal to a 10-year-old girl. For a “dream look” party, girls are each given a loose-leaf notebook filled with unlined paper, scissors, a glue stick and access to a collection of fashion magazines and catalogs to cut from. Girls chat as they fill the pages of their notebooks with the perfect wardrobe. Another fashion party idea is an “accessory party.” The party host borrows jewelry, scarves, hats and other accessories from friends and relatives. The girls all arrive at the party wearing black T-shirts and pants. As they creatively accessorize themselves and each other, the hostess takes photos.

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