As the first tentative snowflakes of winter make their way to the ground, your children will likely become almost instantly awash with excitement. This weather phenomenon is a favorite among snow-day-hungry children who want nothing more than to frolic through the fluffy, white surroundings. To increase your children’s enjoyment of their snowy play time, you can organize an assortment of snow games. These games give your kiddos something productive to do while they take in the beauty of winter and let the cold nip at their fingers and toes.
Psych Your Kiddos for Snow
Although you can’t necessarily will snow to fall, you can prepare your children for when it eventually does. In the days and weeks leading up to the first snowfall, talk about the prospect with your kids. Show that you are excited about the upcoming weather, and they will likely ape this enthusiasm. Consider reading picture books about snow to further enhance your kids’ desire for the fluffy stuff. This is particularly important when prepping younger children for snowfall as they have not built their knowledge of seasonal patterns.
Feats of Fitness
Snow provides a chilly opportunity for your kids to get physically fit. Get your children’s blood pumping in the snow with snow fitness games. Have your industrious children help you build hurdles out of snow, and engage the creators in a snow hurdle race after construction. Or prepare for spring sports by holding a snowball-throwing contest. Encourage children to craft snowballs and take turns launching them as far as their biceps will allow, judging the distance yourself, or allowing a trustworthy volunteer to report which ball made it the farthest.
Contests of Skill
Encourage your children to show their stuff with skilled-based games. Gather several children, and instruct them to craft snowballs as quickly as possible, declaring the first player to create 10 the challenge winner. Add excitement to the generally mundane pursuit of creating snow angels by partnering children up and challenging them to create a set number of snow angels with the help of their partners as quickly as possible.
Creative Pursuits
Allow your kids to interact artistically with the snow in creative contests. Group neighborhood children up, and encourage them to use their snow-day free time to create intricate snow forts or craft detailed snow sculptures of animals of their choice. As the sun sets on the productive snow day, gather some neighborhood parents and allow them to pick the winning creations, without informing them which group crafted each. Reward the winning group with a snow-themed prize, such as a paper snowflake crown, to give the children something with which to remember their accomplishments.
Team Challenges
Use the snowy field as a sight for team athletics. Create two flags out of twigs and pieces of white cloth. Divide the players into two teams, giving each team one of these flags. Allow the teams to hide their flags, and then instruct them to locate each other’s hidden token, declaring the team that finds the other team’s flag first the winners. Or dust off an old classic and pull out the pigskin, allowing children to frolic and play a standard game of football. The cushy snow will provide soft padding as players go down in this classic sport.
Photo Credit
- Fallen snow and the giant snow flake image by CRUZR from