ADHD Children Symptoms
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ADHD Children Symptoms

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder is common in children and adults. All children will experience periodic bouts of inattention or hyperactivity, which can make it difficult to diagnose the exact point at which it becomes a problem. When you know the signs, you can talk to your doctor about a diagnosis and your treatment options.

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder is common in children and adults. All children will experience periodic bouts of inattention or hyperactivity, which can make it difficult to diagnose the exact point at which it becomes a problem. When you know the signs, you can talk to your doctor about a diagnosis and your treatment options.

Lack of Attention Span

If your child has ADHD, she will not be able to spend more than a few minutes on any one task. In young children, you may notice that she moves quickly from one toy to another, leaving the discarded toy on the floor, causing a big mess. In older children, you may notice her quickly flipping through the TV stations, never settling on one show.


A child with ADHD is always on the go. He may even be constantly moving or fidgeting even in situations when he thinks he is still. He may talk often and fast, run, scream and jump where it isn't normally appropriate, like the grocery store.

Impulsive Behavior

If your child has ADHD, she may exhibit impulsive behavior, such as acting without thinking about the consequences of her actions. She may be impatient and have a hard time waiting for her turn, which can cause problems when playing with other children. She may also interrupt conversations and throw a temper tantrum if she does not get what she wants immediately.

School Problems

Your first indication that your child has ADHD may come from the school. He may interrupt class time or not play well with other children. He also may have problems completing his school work or forgetting the homework that he did finish.

Lack of Focus

Your child may not be able to focus on any one activity for a long period of time. She may not be able to finish any project she starts, whether it is for school or even just play.

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