Low sex drive is a problem that affects nearly half of all women at some point. Many treatment options are available, including therapy, medicine, acupuncture, yoga, massage, nutritional and herbal therapy. Herbs are generally safe, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. But, as with any therapy, you should consult with your health care provider before starting any treatment program using herbs.
Herb Formulations
Some formulations of various herbs, vitamins and minerals, such as ginkgo biloba, ginseng, damiana and arginine, can help alleviate symptoms of low sex drive. Be careful if you use arginine, because it can affect your blood pressure and circulation. You need to check with your doctor before taking it.
Yohimbe contains the same chemical used to treat erectile dysfunction–yohimbine hydrochloride. It can also increase arousal in women, but high doses of yohimbe are dangerous and can interact badly with several drugs. Check with your doctor before taking this, recommends the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Soybeans and Yams
Soybeans and yams can help to increase sex drive in menopausal women. These plants are natural sources of estrogen, which can ease the symptoms of menopause that could be interfering with your sex drive, such as vaginal dryness.
Damiana Leaf
Damiana leaf can increase sexual desire and pleasure, according to the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. It can also increase sensitivity in the clitoris.
Black Cohosh
Black cohosh balances the body’s hormone levels by mimicking the effects of estrogen, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Black cohosh is for menopausal or pre-menopausal women, but the studies are mixed as to its effectiveness.
Licorice can alleviate stress. An adaptogen, licorice is a substance that helps the body adapt to stress, according to the American Academy of Pain Management. Stress is a factor that hampers sex drive. If you feel stress or worry, sex is usually the last thing on your mind. Do not use licorice more than several weeks at a time.
Herbs to Stimulate Blood Flow
Some herbs, while not necessarily prescribed for low sex drive, can help to stimulate blood flow, which sometimes alleviates sexual dysfunction, according to the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. These herbs are aloe vera, ginger root, ginkgo biloba, passion flower, black walnut and guarana.
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- power woman image by JulianMay.co.uk from Fotolia.com