Facial Hair Removal Products for Women
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Facial Hair Removal Products for Women

About 10 percent of women suffer from unwanted facial hair growth due to a hormonal imbalance called hirsutism, according to the Mayo Clinic. African American and Hispanic women may be much more vulnerable to developing some degree of unwanted facial hair, though virtually any adult woman can suffer from this potentially embarrassing condition at some point during her life. While medications to treat hormonal imbalances and semi-permanent hair removal techniques using lasers can help some women, other women may decide to try facial hair removal products in the privacy of their homes.


Some women cannot safely use depilatory creams because they are allergic to the chemicals in them, notes the Mayo Clinic. The March of Dimes strongly encourages expectant moms and nursing moms to stay away from depilatory creams and crème bleaching kits; sometimes the chemicals get absorbed into the body and can potentially harm a growing baby.


Do not attempt to shave off your facial hair, warns the Mayo Clinic. Shaving is not only potentially dangerous for this sensitive area of your body, but also causes your hair to grow back much more thickly and possibly resemble the facial hair usually found on men.


You can try tweezing the facial hair away if it’s a small area of your body, such as around the eyebrows, notes the Mayo Clinic. Chemical depilatory kits can also help some ladies safely wash away their unwanted facial hair; crème bleach kits sometimes significantly lighten the hair’s pigment and effectively reduce its appearance. At-home or salon waxing treatments can also help you get rid of that facial hair at least for a little while.

Prevention of Potential Problems

Sometimes women, especially those with coarse hair, can develop ingrown hairs after using at-home or salon facial hair removal remedies, according to the Mayo Clinic. Women can reduce their risk of potential problems by not pulling their skin tightly while performing any type of hair removal. Soaking in warm water before attempting hair removal can also go a long way toward preventing ingrown hairs, which can become infected and cause a potentially painful condition called folliculitis.

Medical Options

If you cannot succeed with at-home or salon hair removal techniques, you may want to consider medical treatments, such as prescription creams or laser facial hair removal, according to the Mayo Clinic. Sometimes taking birth control pills can also virtually eliminate facial hair in women; check with your doctor to discuss these options and remember that some will not be covered by your health insurance plan.

Photo Credit

  • Close-up beautiful woman’s face with flower image by Angel_a from Fotolia.com
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