1 min read

How to Stop Sweaty Hands Naturally

Sweaty, clammy hands give off the wrong message. Instead of saying “Hi, I’m confident. I know what I want,” your slimy hand is telling the fellow hand shaker that you are nervous, shy, scared or worse–have bad hygiene. Get a handle on this problem before you meet your child’s next teacher or go on your next interview. Don’t let anyone form her first impression of you with a sloppy, greasy embrace. The next time you shake hands with someone, show them just how poised you are.

Step 1

Mix one part baking soda and one part cornstarch. Pour into a salt shaker. Shake the mixture onto your hands and rub between them together each morning after you shower.

Step 2

Put a handkerchief in your pocket or purse. Squeeze the handkerchief and apply more baking soda mixture whenever you feel excess moisture throughout the day. If it’s cold outside, use cotton gloves to keep your hands warm without overheating them.

Step 3

Participate in a yoga class, even at home on a DVD, and teach yourself to take deep breaths. Personal control over anxiety and stress will decrease the sweating.

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