Tips on Hiding Dark Circles With Makeup
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Tips on Hiding Dark Circles With Makeup

Some women get dark under-eye circles from fatigue, stress or illness. For other women, they are a result of their genetic heritage. Whatever the cause, dark under-eye circles can be hidden with makeup. Concealers made with vitamin K, green tea extract or jojoba esters help repair blood vessels and camouflage the signs of fatigue, esthetician Shelly Ballestero explains in her book, “Beauty by God.”

Concealer Color

Select a concealer that is one shade lighter than your skin tone. If you use a concealer that is too dark, it will make your eyes look dirty, according to Ballestero. If you use one that is too light, it will make your eyes will look like white circles, according to the Makeup Artist World website.


The right tool allows you to apply the concealer to the right area. Some concealers come in a tube, with either a small sponge or brush in the lid. Other concealers come in a small tub with no applicator; apply these concealers with a small brush or wedge-shaped makeup sponge. A small clean brush allows for greatest control. Concealer can also be applied with the edge of a wedge-shaped makeup sponge, but it won’t have the same control.

Applying Concealer

Pick up a small amount of the concealer on the applicator, brush or point of the sponge’s edge. Beginning at the inner eye, dot the concealer on top of the dark areas, from under the lash to the outer corner of the eye. Use a light cross-hatch motion to get into the little wrinkles of the under-eye skin.

Use a clean brush or a fresh edge of the sponge and gently blend the concealer. Use your finger–the heat of your skin will soften the makeup–and feather the edge until it disappears.

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