All the bleaching, perming and coloring, as well as spraying, moussing, gelling and brushing, can leave your hair feeling dull and overworked. Give your hair a break with some natural homemade products that will refresh your hair and will not weigh it down. Rejuvenated, healthy hair is only as far away as your kitchen.
If you use a great number of different products when you style your hair, each hair shaft may be weighed down with residue from those products. To leave these bulky, unnatural habits behind and start fresh, you need to remove this residue from your hair. After you wash your hair with your favorite shampoo, rinse it with an acid that will strip your hair of any grime build-up. Search your kitchen for white vinegar or lemon juice. This is especially useful for blondes or others with light-colored hair, as these products will help keep your hair shiny and bright. Mix one part white vinegar or lemon juice with one part water. Put the mixture in an old shampoo or conditioner bottle. After washing your hair, rinse with the acidic liquid. Use a comb to work the rinse through your hair, pulling from the root of the hair to end, encouraging the cuticle to lay flat. Rinse the mixture from your hair. Do this every few weeks to maintain shiny, residual-free hair.
Getting moisture back into your hair is the best thing your kitchen can offer your hair. Yogurt, oil and mayonnaise make great moisturizers. Raw eggs and honey make hair shiny as they condition. Avocado works as a deep conditioner. Scrounge through your kitchen and see which moisturizers you already have. Beat an egg with some oil. Place in your hair and let stay for 20 to 30 minutes. Wash that out to remove all the raw egg.
Deep Condition
The National Honey Board recommends mixing two parts honey and one part oil. Add a few drops your favorite essential oils, although the sweet smell of honey may be enough. Pour into a small shampoo bottle. After you wash your hair, work the mixture into your hair. Leave for an hour and rinse out with a little bit of shampoo, just to remove the blobs of stickiness. Mash up an avocado, with some honey or egg for shininess. Work into your hair and cover with a shower cap or towel. Leave for an hour or so. Watch a movie or enjoy a quiet bath. Rinse out with a little shampoo.
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- hair image by from