Natural Skin Care for Rosacea
If you are red-faced, and it is not because of embarrassment, you may have rosacea, which is an often misunderstood, but common skin disorder, according to the Rosacea website. Many people have rosacea and don’t even know it. This skin condition affects more than 16 million Americans, mostly people who are 30 to 60 years of age. Rosacea produces an appearance that looks like your face is covered with acne and red blotches. Although you cannot totally get rid of rosacea, you can treat it in natural ways.
Treat Rosacea Naturally
Because too much sun is often a factor for a rosacea flare-up, you should wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more, according to Winter weather is another culprit, so wear a scarf around your face or even a ski mask if you are going out in inclement weather. Be gentle on your face by not rubbing it too hard or touching it too much. Use a gentle cleanser that does not contain additives, such as alcohol, fragrance or other irritants. Look for the word “noncomedogenic” on products you buy, because they tend not to clog your pores.
How to Clean Your Face
If you have rosacea, use a gentle approach with your skin care routine. Clean your face with a mild, non-abrasive cleanser. Rinse with lukewarm water and then blot, don’t rub, your face with a cotton towel.
You can cover your rosacea with makeup. Choose a foundation that has a green tint to it to counter the redness. Then, you can put on your regular foundation. It’s better to pick a foundation that has yellow tones in it as opposed to pink or orange ones.
You Can Help Prevent Rosacea Flare-Ups
Besides having your doctor treat your rosacea by prescription medications, you play a big part in preventing rosacea flare-ups, according to What may cause a flare-up for you may not cause one for someone else. So, you should keep a list of what your possible rosacea triggers are to help you manage the condition.
Common Rosacea Triggers
The Rosacea website has compiled a list of the most common triggers for rosacea. For most rosacea sufferers, sun exposure, emotional stress and hot weather are the top three triggers at 81 percent, 79 percent and 75 percent, respectively. A little more than half of rosacea sufferers get a flare-up from the wind, heavy exercise, alcohol consumption and hot baths. Some alcohol is worse than others. The worst for rosacea sufferers are red wine, beer, bourbon, gin, vodka and champagne. Other common triggers are cold weather, spicy foods, humidity, indoor heat, certain skin-care products, hot beverages and medications. Foods that may cause a rosacea flare-up are liver, yogurt, sour cream, cheese, chocolate, vanilla, soy sauce, eggplant and avocados.
Photo Credit
- red haired girl face portrait image by starush from