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How to Prevent Hair Loss Tips

Most people, including teen girls and adult women, lose at least 50 hairs per day, according to the Teens Health website. However, sustained and prolonged hair loss can lead to potentially embarrassing female pattern balding, according to the Mayo Clinic. While genetics play a significant role in how much hair you’ll lose during your lifetime, you can reduce the risk of major hair loss by making a few basic hair care and lifestyle changes.

Step 1

Put down that blow dryer. The Mayo Clinic notes that women are less likely to lose their locks if they don’t blow dry their mane. Let your hair air dry whenever possible to avoid potential tress stress, such as heat damage.

Step 2

Find a new hairstyle besides ponytails, buns and braids. Tightly pulling your hair in such ways can also greatly increase your chances of unwanted hair loss, according to the Mayo Clinic. Likewise, corn rows and tight rollers can also cause hair loss, according to the Family Doctor website.

Step 3

Eat the healthiest food possible. Diet plays a role in overall health, including the amount of hair that stays on your head. Avoid junk food as much as you can and reach for whole grain cereals, lean proteins, olive oil, low-fat milk, fruit and vegetables.

Step 4

Massage your scalp when shampooing. Stimulating your head in this way can help boost the amount of nutrients that go to your locks and promote increased hair fullness, according to “Marie Claire Magazine.”

Step 5

Take B vitamins and antioxidant blends. Harold Lance, M.D., a University of California at Los Angeles dermatologist, recommended over-the-counter (OTC) daily multivitamins in an interview with “Marie Claire Magazine.”

Step 6

Call your doctor right away if hair loss is significant and does not stop. Sometimes undiagnosed serious illnesses including diabetes and lupus can cause unexpected hair loss, according to the Family Doctor website.


  • Never give yourself hot oil treatments or permanent waves; doing this can cause hair loss and even scalp burning. Consider skipping these treatments, or find a qualified professional to handle the job for you.
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