Signs of Implantation During Pregnancy
The two-week wait can be brutal. You’ve been tracking your ovulation and tried to time your baby dance just right, but you still have to wait until your period is due to take an accurate pregnancy test. In that two-week period, you may be looking for any small sign that you might be pregnant. Implantation occurs anywhere from six to 10 days after ovulation. There are some signs of implantation, though they–by no means–happen in all women.
Some women experience a slight bleeding immediately after implantation, called “implantation bleeding.” It will be light bleeding, similar to what you might normally experience at the beginning or end of your period. It may be just enough to show on the toilet paper, but it’s not enough to use a tampon or maxi pad. In fact, some women mistake this for an abnormally light period and don’t realize that they’re pregnant. You might start looking for this anywhere from six to 10 days past ovulation.
You may experience cramping in your lower abdominal area. This would be similar to menstrual cramps. It should be just a day or two of cramping, but this could also mean that you are not pregnant and are about to get your period.
Temperature Fluctuations
If you are tracking your basal body temperature for ovulation, you may notice some abnormalities. A temperature that stays high past the two-week mark could signify that implantation has occurred and that you are pregnant. You may also notice a dip in your temperature for one day about one week after ovulation.
Photo Credit
- pancia image by CORRADO RIVA from