As beautiful as expecting a child can be, pregnancy symptoms unfortunately may add some unwanted drama to your life as a mom. While each pregnancy is different, most women experience at least a few unpleasant side effects as their future sons and daughters grow inside of their bodies, according to the Mayo Clinic. Most side effects are not serious, but you should immediately report any severe pain or bleeding to your doctor or another medical professional.
Pregnancy Symptoms Week by Week
First 2 Weeks
The first pregnancy symptom for most women is light bleeding that occurs about six to 12 days after conception, according to the American Pregnancy Association (APA). When the embryo implants itself into the uterus, spotting and light cramping usually result. Another common and early sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period. Swollen and tender breasts usually also occur about one to two weeks into pregnancy, as well as fatigue.
Week 2 through Week 8
Around the second week of pregnancy, but sometimes as late as the eighth week, some women may experience nausea or “morning sickness,” according to the APA. The severity of this first trimester symptom varies among women; some may not experience nausea at all while others may continue feeling morning sickness throughout their entire pregnancy. Expectant moms may also experience headaches and backaches during this phase.
Week 13 to Week 27
The second trimester of pregnancy, which is week 13 to week 27, usually has expectant moms feeling much better than during the previous weeks, according to the Mayo Clinic and the Parenting website. However, your belly will grow, your nipples may darken in color and your breasts may continue to feel tender and swollen. Most women who experienced morning sickness don’t suffer from this side effect any longer once they hit the second trimester.
Week 27 to Week 40
As you near delivery, you may once again experience frequent urination, according to the APA. You will also likely be thirsty more often, according to the Parenting website. Fatigue and back pain may also recur in your life; you may need to take life and work easier during this “home stretch” of your pregnancy. About 50 percent of expectant moms experience heartburn between week 27 and week 40.