Pregnancy Problems in the First Trimester
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Pregnancy Problems in the First Trimester

Finding out you are pregnant may have you jumping for joy and wondering what to expect. You will go through many changes as the baby grows inside you. Your doctor may refer to trimesters when he discusses the development of your baby. The first trimester encompasses the time from the beginning of your last period through your 12th week. Knowing what issues can arise during your first trimester can help you know what to expect and can alert you as to certain problems that may signal a need to visit your doctor.

Nausea and Vomiting

Although a common occurrence during pregnancy, morning sickness can become a problem if you can’t keep anything down or experience continual nausea and vomiting. According to the Mayo Clinic, hormonal changes may make you feel queasy and nauseated at various times during the day, especially in the morning. Avoid foods that contain high levels of fat and spices. Nibble on easily digestible foods throughout the day, rather than eating large meals, which may make you feel sick. If you become dehydrated, experience a racing heart or notice blood in your vomit, call your doctor.


You may experience some dizziness and light-headedness during your first trimester of pregnancy. This can be due to normal changes occurring in your circulatory system. You might become dizzy when you stand quickly or when you haven’t eaten in a while. Some types of dizziness may signal a problem with your pregnancy. Let your doctor know if your dizziness leads to fainting. Call your doctor immediately if you experience severe dizziness or dizziness with vaginal bleeding or pelvic pain. These kinds of symptoms may indicate that your fertilized egg is growing outside your uterus. This type of pregnancy, known as an ectopic pregnancy, requires prompt medical attention.


Although most pregnancies end in healthy babies, some end in miscarriage. As many as 15 to 20 percent of all pregnancies can end in miscarriage, usually during the first trimester. You may notice slight spotting or heavy bleeding, accompanied by abdominal cramps or back pain. Call your doctor right away, if you have these symptoms. Your doctor may want to do a pelvic exam, ultrasound or certain blood tests to rule out underlying problems and make sure your miscarriage is complete. Often, the cause of miscarriages remains unknown, but many may occur due to chromosomal defects in the fetus.

Photo Credit

  • my belly image by Frenk_Danielle Kaufmann from
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