Like many things in life, pregnancy carries no guarantees. Although the majority of pregnancies progress smoothly and result in healthy babies, some pregnancies end in miscarriages. According to the Mayo Clinic, most miscarriages occur prior to the 12th week of pregnancy. Miscarriages happen for a variety of reasons, and many times without any obvious cause. The American Pregnancy Association states that about 10 to 25 percent of confirmed pregnancies can end in miscarriage. Knowing what symptoms to watch for when you are pregnant can help alert you to signs of a possible miscarriage and signal you to contact your doctor.
Vaginal Bleeding
You may notice some vaginal bleeding during your first trimester. Although this may signal a threatened miscarriage, many women experience some light bleeding during the early part of pregnancy. Watch for bright red bleeding or the appearance of pinkish-white mucus coming from your vagina. Blood may also turn slightly brown when exposed to the air. Although your spotting and light bleeding symptoms may be nothing to worry about, consult your doctor immediately to find out for sure.
Pelvic Pain
Miscarriage and pregnancy loss can cause cramping and pain in your lower abdomen and lower back. Although a slight pain or cramping may occur when the fertilized egg attaches to your uterus, strong cramping or regular cramping may be a sign of problems. You may also notice your pain coming in waves that resemble regular contractions every few minutes.
Passing Tissue
Blood clots or clumps of tissue may pass from your vagina during a miscarriage. If you notice that you pass anything that resembles tissue, call your doctor right away. He may want to examine the tissue to determine whether you passed the entire placenta.
Decrease in Pregnancy Symptoms
Although many symptoms resolve themselves as your pregnancy progresses, the loss of certain symptoms may signal a loss of pregnancy. Symptoms like breast fullness and steady weight gain usually occur throughout your pregnancy. If these symptoms disappear, even without bleeding or cramping, you should contact your doctor so he can check on the state of your pregnancy. If you are far enough along to feel fetal movements, the loss of these movements may signal a problem with your baby. Don’t worry about seeming silly or bothering your doctor. If you think there may be problems with your developing baby or have concerns regarding your pregnancy, talk to your doctor immediately.
Photo Credit
- Pregnant women belly image by Anatoly Tiplyashin from