The Best Diet to Lose Weight
If you asked many people what they would change about themselves, a large portion would say their weight. If you are one of those people, you’re probably trying to find the best diet for weight loss. But with so many diets promoted on the Internet and advertised on television it can be hard to determine which diet works best. The simple fact is that the best diet for weight loss is one that has been proven effective.
Step 1
Buy lots of cabbage. The Cabbage Soup Diet is a tried-and-true diet that works, but you should stay on it no longer than seven days at a time. It is an easy-to-make soup that you can eat in any quantity, along with a different specified food each day. The soup contains cabbage and other vegetables, and it actually tastes good. According to Dr. Keith Ayoob from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, this diet is healthy to follow for a week, as suggested, because it includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. He suggests that after the first week you move on to an eating plan that includes all foods groups but remains low in calories. This diet can jump-start your weight loss.
Step 2
Eat half of a grapefruit at each meal. This, along with other rules on the Grapefruit Diet, a low-carbohydrate plan that will boost metabolism and help you shed pounds. The Scripps Clinic in San Diego has performed clinical trials with grapefruits and found that, of three groups, the group eating half a grapefruit before meals lost more weight than those not eating grapefruit with meals. Scripps researchers believe this resulted from the grapefruit lowering insulin levels.
Step 3
Join Weight Watchers. Years of experience with millions of people have proven that Weight Watchers programs work. The company offers different plans and both online and in-person meetings that you can attend. Its Points Plan, one of its most popular programs, assigns point values to different foods. Participants are allowed a set number of points daily based on their answers to certain questions. According to Dr. Kathleen M. Zelman, of WebMD, Weight Watchers diets are science-based with no gimmicks. Those who follow Weight Watchers guidelines, Dr. Zelman says, not only lose weight, but they also learn new ways to eat to keep weight off for the long term.