New Year’s Eve Games
The ball drop in Times Square plays on television screens across the nation on New Year’s Eve. Games provide entertainment for party guests until the clock strikes midnight and the giant ball makes its descent. If the guest list includes people of all ages, adapt the games to fit your guests.
Resolution Guess
Provide pieces of paper for the guests, asking each guest to write a resolution on one. Let them know they can be serious or funny. Have the guests place the resolutions in a basket as they are written. Later in the evening, begin reading the resolutions one at a time. As each one is read, the guests try to determine who wrote the resolution. Continue reading the resolutions until each guest has been matched with theirs.
Create a series of trivia questions based on the past year. Divide the questions into categories for organizational purposes. Topic can include movies, political events, celebrity news and pop culture events from the year that is coming to an end. Divide the party guests into two teams. Take turns asking each other the trivia questions, awarding a point for each correct answer. After a specified number of rounds, total the points and award a prize to the winning team.
Costume Contest
Throw a New Year’s costume party. If you want to follow a specific theme, encourage the guests to come dressed for the theme. Otherwise, leave the costume selection up to them, letting them know the costumes will be judged. Another option is to provide dress-up clothes in many different sizes. See what kind of costumes guests can create with the provided dress-up clothes. A final option is to divide the partiers into groups, providing each group with newspaper, tape, string and tissue paper. Instruct them to select one person as the model and use the materials provided to create a costume for him. Award a prize to the best costume.