Alleviate Puffy Eyes
2 mins read

Alleviate Puffy Eyes

The puffy-eye look is definitely not a fashion trend. That swollen, under-the-eye baggy appearance can detract from the overall effect of a woman’s most carefully applied make-up. It can leave both men and women uncomfortable about having to face the day. What’s even worse, sometimes discomfort can go along with the puffy eyes. Fortunately, the condition is usually a temporary one with a variety of readily available remedies.

Alleviate Puffy Eyes

Step 1

Consider your medications as a possible source. Sometimes puffy eyes are a side effect of a new medication or an increased dosage of an older one. Before trying to treat puffy eyes, think about whether any new drugs or changes in dosages might be responsible. Contact your physician to report the possible side effect and ask for advice.

Step 2

Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Between six and eight hours constitutes a good night’s sleep for most adults. Sleepless nights can contribute to the saggy, swollen appearance of puffy eyes. Also consider sleeping with your head slightly elevated to keep excessive fluids from pooling under your eyes.

Step 3

Limit the amount of liquor and salt you consume. Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages has also been linked to the condition. Limiting your intake of sodium–found in large doses in both fast foods and snack items–can help avoid the buildup of fluids, which can lead to puffy eyes.

Step 4

Keep away from any known allergens. Consider what kind of allergies might be triggering a reaction leading to puffy eyes. Some individuals may have to use medications to control their allergy symptoms. Try some over-the-counter brands after consulting with a pharmacist to check for interactions with any other medications you may be taking.

Step 5

Use a cold compress across the eyes, while seated, to alleviate puffy eyes. Some people have had good luck with refrigerated gel masks (see Resources). Applying cool, wet teabags or cucumber slices are other possibilities.

Step 6

Purchase an over-the-counter eye cream. Choosing the right one can be tricky; seek the advice of a health professional if possible or another consumer who has had success with the product you’re considering.

Step 7

Consult a physician when the puffiness seems persistent. You may need to see an eye doctor if you are experiencing any kind of continual pain in the eye area or any blurriness of vision. You many need to see a physician if you have noticed that you are swollen in places other than your eyes, so the doctor can check for thyroid or kidney issues.

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