How to Write a Party Invitation
Party invitations are what gets people interested in whatever party you are throwing. No matter what type of party the invitation is for, there are several key elements that you should know to make the invitation successful. Here are how to include these key elements so that you can get the best turnout for your party.
Step 1
Start your invitation with a clear statement about what the person is invited to. For example, if you are throwing a baby shower, write something like, “You are invited to a baby shower for Jane Doe.”
Step 2
Finish that sentence by stating who the party is being held by, such as, “You are invited to a baby shower for Jane Doe to be held by Joan Doe.” The sentence can also be finished by noting where the party will be held. For example, “You are invited to a baby shower for Jane Doe to be held at the home of Joan Doe.”
Step 3
Fill in the date and time of the party. This will go on the next line.
Step 4
Add the address of the party on the next line. On the back of the invitation, you may want to print directions or a map.
Step 5
List a contact phone number under the address by writing, “For more information, please call …” Make sure this is a number where you can easily be reached.
Step 6
End the invitation by adding “R.S.V.P.” This stands for “Répondez s’il vous plaît” in French, meaning, “respond if you please” according to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. This tells your guests that you would like them to call you to confirm or decline your invitation so that you can plan your party appropriately.
- Don’t clump information. Put each separate piece of information on a new line so that it is easy to read.