Why Do Boys Pay More for Auto Insurance Than Girls?
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Why Do Boys Pay More for Auto Insurance Than Girls?

Do boys pay higher auto insurance rates than girls? According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), all teenage drivers face higher insurance rates.
Some states do not allow gender differences in auto rates. Still, the NAIC states that teenage boys cost about twice as much to insure as teenage girls. Since young drivers do not have driving histories to help set rates, insurers focus on accident statistics for drivers of the same age and gender.

Effects of Gender

According to an American Automobile Association risk analysis, male drivers of any age are more likely than females to die in a car accident. In fact, men have a 77 percent higher risk for fatal accidents, considering miles driven.

Effects of Behavior

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) says that men typically drive more miles than women. Men also tend to have riskier driving styles. For example, fewer men use seat belts and more men drive after drinking alcohol. Speeding factors into more accidents involving men than women.
When allowed by law, insurance companies recognize these factors by offering lower rates for female drivers.

Effects of Youth

Teen drivers obviously have less driving experience, and tend to indulge in riskier driving habits, like speeding. Peer pressure may play a part in risky driving among teens. The crash rate per mile driven for teenagers is 4 times the risk for older drivers.
Lack of experience in controlling a car may lead to more damaging collisions. The Highway Loss Data Institute reports much higher vehicle damage costs for cars driven by teens compared to cars driven only by adults.

Special Factors

The U.S. Department of Transportation lists several reasons insurers consider teen boys at highest risk for accidents.
1) Two-thirds of teens killed in motor vehicle crashes are male.
2) Teen boys are more than twice as likely as teen girls to get into accidents involving alcohol.
3) Young males are less likely to wear seat belts when driving.


Prepare to pay more if you need to insure any teenage driver. Teen boys will continue to face the highest rates.
Before adding any teen to your insurance policy, shop for lower rates from other insurers. When buying a new car, ask your insurance agent to recommend safer models for the teen to drive. Your choice of car can affect insurance rates. Many insurers will offer lower rates for students with good grades. Check with your agent or insurance company to see if your teen can qualify for any discounts.

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