There are tons of facial mask products on the market, but you probably already have everything you need to make a facial mask at home. Basic ingredients from your kitchen are the core of easy recipes for facial masks. These masks are often better than the commercially prepared ones, because they are free of the chemicals, preservatives and fillers that can clog pores or irritate skin.
Combination Skin Facial Mask
Exfoliate and soothe combination skin with this easy facial mask. Begin with 1/4 cup cold plain yogurt. Mash four strawberries and stir them into the yogurt. Use small, circular motions to massage the mixture onto your face. Rinse with warm water and pat your skin dry.
Oily Skin Facial Mask
Oily skin needs a refreshing facial mask that will not clog pores. Peel and slice half a cucumber. Puree the cucumber in a food processor or blender. Blend in 1/4 cup plain yogurt. Rub the mask onto your clean face. Let the mask set. When the mixture begins to dry, rinse it off with warm water and a washcloth.
Dry Skin Facial Mask
Dry skin requires moisturizing ingredients. Mash half of an avocado with an egg yolk and a spoonful of olive oil. Rub the paste onto freshly cleaned skin and let it set for 20 minutes. Remove the mask with a damp washcloth and warm water.
Dehydrated Skin Facial Mask
Dry, irritated skin needs a special facial mask to heal the epidermis. Begin with a ripe banana. Mash it and add 1 ounce of fine-milled oatmeal and a spoonful of honey. Gently massage the facial mask onto the skin. Let it soak in for 15 to 20 minutes. Use warm water to rinse off the mask. Pat the skin dry with a towel.
Sensitive Skin Facial Mask
A facial mask for sensitive skin is similar to that for dehydrated skin. Grind 4 tbsp. uncooked oatmeal in a food processor. Mix in 2 tbsp. honey and 2 tbsp. hot water. Spread the mixture on your face and neck. Let it soak for about 15 minutes or until your skin feels tight. Remove the mask with warm water.
Healing Facial Mask
Sometimes your skin might need a special facial mask to help it heal from rashes, irritations, flaking or scars. This facial mask does the trick, but it is not suitable for oily skin. Begin with a soft banana. Mash it and add to the mixture the gel from four vitamin E capsules. Spread the facial mask where its needed, but steer clear of the eyes. Let it soak in for about 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.