Teething typically lasts about two years starting when a baby is only five to seven months old. For many children, teething can be very painful and aggravating. As a result, many babies will begin to fuss and cry more than normal when teething. This behavior can upset the entire household. These child care tips for teething pain will help manage or eliminate these frustrating moments.
Child Care Tips for Teething Pain
Several topical gels are currently on the market to help baby manage his teething pain. These gels can be applied directly onto the gums where the new tooth is appearing. This will numb the area, temporarily, offering some relief. However, the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh warns parents that these topical gels may not work for children who tend to drool excessively as the result of teething.
Teething Biscuits
Some companies produce special teething biscuits for babies. These teething biscuits are hard to chew but slowly dissolve and are eaten over time. They provide temporary relief from teething pain by massaging the gums and have the ability to quiet a fussy tot faster than nearly any other defense. On the downside, these teething biscuits are very messy and can stain clothing, so dress baby appropriately.
Cool Cloth
This is one of the easiest child care tips for teething pain. Dampen part of a washcloth and throw the cloth in the freezer for five minutes. The cloth should be fairly cold at this point. Show your baby how to hold the dry side of the cloth while she chews on the cold side. The ridges in the cloth will help to gently scratch her itchy and stretched out gums while the cold will numb the pain. The chewing action will also help to gently push the teeth through the gums.
Teething Tablets
Teething tablets are a homeopathic remedy that helps reduce teething pain through holistic medications like chamomilla and belladonna. Simply pop a teething tablet into your baby’s mouth and let them dissolve. In no time baby stops fussing and acts normal. Teething tablets can be found in many grocery stores, large retailers and natural food stores.
Most of the time, teething pain is experienced before the child’s teeth push completely through the gums. To help aid the teeth through the gums it is a good idea to give your child a gentle gum massage. Simply rub over the gums where any teeth are beginning to poke through and apply slight pressure. Often a teething baby will begin to gnaw on your finger and this can help you gauge how hard she wants you to press down. Dr. B.D. Schmitt from the University of Michigan Health System also suggests using a piece of ice to massage the gums to reduce swelling and numb the area. For the first several teeth, this option is still one of the best tips for teething pain.
If a baby’s teething pain appears to be severe, it may be time to call in the reinforcements. Ask your pediatrician about possible prescriptions she can offer or other child care options for teething pain to help soothe your tiny tyke. It is also acceptable to give your baby a dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen at night to help him sleep. A tired baby is more likely to be affected by teething pain than a well-rested one.