Your mom told you never, never, never wear white pants and shoes except between Memorial Day and Labor Day. But rules are made to be broken, right? Sometimes. Gain insight from major fashion and design names on what works and what doesn’t when it comes to wearing white on your feet.
Simplicity Works
Make it simple and strappy. White shoes are trendy and very wearable, but too much white can turn the best trend on you. Keep it simple and strappy, says Tamara Mellon, co-founder of Jimmy Choo. A simple design keeps the white shoe from overwhelming the rest of your outfit.
Summertime Smarts
Work it in warmer weather. The old rules have bent, that’s true; no one will scream “fashion faux pas!” if you wear white shoes before Memorial Day or after Labor Day. Still, says designer Kate Spade, white shoes work best for a crisp summertime look.
Bare Is Beautiful
Wear white with minimal hosiery. White shoes should create a crisp, sleek look for your feet and overall outfit, and distracting hosiery keeps that from happening. Fashion designer Michael Kors goes so far as to say never wear hosiery at all with white shoes; a great pedicure is your best bet.
Avoid White-on-White
Wear white with a tan. Pale skin just doesn’t work with white shoes. It will end up making you look pasty and unhealthy, so avoid the white-on-white look, recommends fashion blog
Work the Contrast
Go for contrast. recommends pairing your great pair of white shoes with dark denim jeans for a classy, contrasting look. Fashion director Bruce Pask concurs on the contrast, but adds that the shirt should be a lighter color to balance out the look.