5 Best Ab Exercises for Expecting Moms
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5 Best Ab Exercises for Expecting Moms

These moves keep your tummy tight during pregnancy and give you a head start to regaining your abs post-pregnancy.

Move 1: The Standing Crunch

To do the standing crunch, start in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart, draw your bellybutton into your spine, tuck your pelvis slightly and bring the fingertips to your ears.

Crunch forward and squeeze your abdominal muscles (just like you would do if you were lying on your back) Try doing 15-20 at a time.

Move 2: The Standing Bicycle

To do the standing bicycle, take the same position listed in the standing crunch. As you crunch forward lift your right knee toward your chest and twist so that your left elbow comes to the right knee.

Replace the foot and return to the starting position, then raise the left knee and twist to bring the right elbow toward the left knee. Repeat 10-20 times. See the YouTube link at the end of the article for a demo!

Move 3: Standing Toe Touches

Start in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart, bellybutton pulled in to your spine and your pelvis slight tucked under you. Raise both arms straight above your head.

Bend foreword at your waist letting your chest and arms come forward, as you bend raise your right leg straight up in front of you. Return your leg to the ground and bring your arms back up in the air. Repeat lifting the left leg. Alternate 10-20 times.

Move 4: The Plank

To do a plank start on your hands and knees. Put your forearms on the ground directly below your shoulders, raise up onto your toes so that your body is in a long flat line. Be sure to draw your bellybutton into your spine and squeeze your booty at the same time. Hold the position for 10-60 seconds.

If you have any discomfort in your lower back you can do this with your knees on the ground. See the link at the end of this article for a link to Brooke and Autumn’s demo.

Move 5: Sitting Abdominal Crunch

To do a sitting abdominal crunch, sit on a comfortable, soft service, start with both knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Place your hands directly behind you with your fingertips facing your booty. Extend your right leg out straight, and draw in your abdominal muscles.

Crunch forward and bend your right knee bringing it into your chest. Then lean back slightly and extend the right leg back out in front of you. Again, crunch forward and pull the knee in, then return to the starting position. Repeat 10-20 times with each leg.

YouTube video


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