What do I love more than mason jars? Clothespins. Maybe it’s because there are so many things you can create with a simple clothes pin. I use clothes pins for gift toppers, baby shower decor, candy buffets, organizing, and now little people that stand on my dresser.
These little kissing couples can be used as cupcake toppers, paper clips, or they can simply dance around your desk when you’re feeling a little sad. Every craft has it’s purpose : )
We decided to do a wedding theme for our clothes pin people. From left to right: The single girl you invited to your wedding that totally dressed inappropriately and made out with the groom’s college roommate, the fancy couple in the back that never get out and want to take full advantage of not being with their children, and the blissfully happy newlyweds.
1. Single girl and groom’s college roommate
This particular couple was made with paint (for the bodies) and one piece of tulle. We just cut the tulle, gathered it together, and hot glued it to the clothes pin. Super easy. You could use ribbon, paper, cloth, whatever you have.
2. Fancy couple that never gets out
The fancy couple was made using paint and ribbon. The brown shiny dress is actually one piece of glitter ribbon that we cut into different sized hearts and hot glued to the clothes pin. Can you see the upside down hearts? We just glued the ends of the hearts to the wood so it created a ruffled look.
3. Newlyweds
The newlyweds were made using paint (for the bodies) and tissue paper. I had this white fancy tissue paper so that is what we used for the dress and veil. You could honestly use any tissue for this, even a tissue (as in Kleenex) would work. Just get creative. You could also add rhinestones and little props to the people as well.
You may now kiss the bride. XO